Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ski trip to Yakima

So what started off with a good idea to go off with the my Mum and Nephew (Ryan) to some skiing turned out with the usual headaches having the kids with me.

We had a great drive out to Yakima with some awesome scenery; snow dusting all over the mountains and a bunch of alpine lakes that were iced over; truly magestic to see.

I've learnt it's not such a good idea going somewhere with my kids though if I don't have activities planned. We arrived after lunch, went and had lunch, they played in the pool for a while but being done for the day around 5pm gave them a little too much time on their hands and they truly don't have any ability of finding things to do (other than watching TV all the time); or at least trying to find things to do that don't involve annoying everyone around them and each other. I sometimes wonder if everyone with kids has to deal with this type of problem or is it particular to my kids.

On top of this Ness had to work so she isn't with me to enjoy the fun times (and help out with the bad :-)... Having her working weekends is rough.

We found that the roads from Yakima through to Crystal are closed through winter so we can't make a trip from here to Crystal (the most direct route is almost 4 hrs drive apparently). So tomorrow we are going to try out White Pass; which looks like a smaller family type of mountain with only a couple of chairs. Hopefully the kids will be better behaved tomorrow; which i'm pretty sure they will as they usually are when they are busy with stuff to do.

I'm guessing they have a bit of attention defecit disorder (says me as they yell at each other right now to go to sleep). Too much candy and no sleep again.